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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API


readStringFromURL(String) - Static method in class me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.commands.PortalsCommand
receivePacket(Player) - Method in class com.comphenix.packetwrapper.AbstractPacket
Simulate receiving the current packet from the given sender.
recievePacket(Player) - Method in class com.comphenix.packetwrapper.AbstractPacket
Misspelled. recieve to receive
registerCommand(DimensionsCommand) - Method in class me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.commands.DimensionsCommandManager
Register a new DimensionsCommand
registerPortal(YamlConfiguration, CustomPortal) - Method in class me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.addons.DimensionsAddon
This function provides the portal config file for each portal that is being loaded and addons can get data from it.
reload() - Method in class me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.customportal.CustomPortalManager
Reload all custom portals
reload() - Method in class me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.Dimensions
ReloadCommand - Class in me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.commands
ReloadCommand(String, String, String[], String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.commands.ReloadCommand
removeFromHold(Entity) - Method in class me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.completePortal.CompletePortal
Remove the entity from hold and cancel the teleport task
removePortal(CompletePortal, CustomPortalDestroyCause, Entity) - Method in class me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.completePortal.CompletePortalManager
Unregister the complete portal
replaceCompletePortal(CompletePortal) - Method in class
Replace the portal being ignited with a new portal instance
resetOptions() - Static method in class me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.addons.DimensionsAddon
This runs when we reload the plugin AFTER all the addons have been disabled in order to reset all the data
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API